Cmiyc│Cmiyc Official Fanclub "Cmisers"

Cmiyc Official Fanclub "Cmisers"

Cmiyc Official Fanclub "Cmisers"





2022.06.04 RELEASE


2019年10月に解散したアイドルグループ・"校庭カメラガールドライ"の"きゃちまいはー"がソロアーティスト/アイドルとしてリスタートしたのが"Cmiyc (チェミック)"。名前の由来は “Catch me if you can (つかまえられるものならつかまえて)”の頭文字で、前アイドルネーム“Catch my heart (私のハートをつかまえて)”からの進化を表しています。



「オルタナティブ = 代替の・新しい」という意味を持つこの楽曲。「活動終了という未来」から、「一生歌い続けるという別の未来」を選択したCmiyc。彼女の誕生日6/4にリリースする、生まれ変わりを象徴する一曲です。

The future is full of choices! Here’s to Cmyic's latest anthem of tenacity!

Cmiyc (pronounced che-mi-k) is the new persona of "catch my heart" from "Koutei Camera Girl Drei (Kouteka 3)". The name is an abbreviation for "Catch me if you can", representing a progression from her previous idol name "catch my heart."

Her new song “Alternative” is an ode to a rebirth following the end of her activities as “catch my heart”.

When the pandemic struck in March 2020, just a few months after she made her debut, her future was forever altered. The moment she decided to return to Okazaki in the summer of 2021 after living in Tokyo, she began to have second thoughts. She was becoming increasingly agitated and impatient due to the lack of progress in her work.

It was during this time that she came to terms with the fact that she had always harbored a deep desire to sing, as well as the realization that she was loved by many people; She wrote "Alternative" as a result of this desire to sing. The release of this song on her birthday, June 4th, marked a turning point in her career.

作詞:ymtkr, Cmiyc
作曲:ymtkr, Cmiyc
