Cmiyc│Cmiyc Official Fanclub "Cmisers"

Cmiyc Official Fanclub "Cmisers"

Cmiyc Official Fanclub "Cmisers"


This is Cmiyc!

This is Cmiyc!


2023.03.13 RELEASE

2019年10月に解散したアイドルグループ・""校庭カメラガールドライ""の""きゃちまいはー""が、ソロアーティスト/アイドルとしてリスタートしたのが""Cmiyc (チェミック)""。名前の由来は “Catch me if you can (つかまえられるものならつかまえて)”の頭文字で、前アイドルネーム“Catch my heart (私のハートをつかまえて)”からの進化を表しています!

2020年3月14日、1st Song「Cmiyc」でデビューして以来、コロナ禍での活動となってしまいましたが、精力的にリリースやオンラインイベント、有観客ライブを開催。この3年間でシングルは7作品をリリースいたしました!

今回のアルバムは第一期Cmiycの集大成となる内容で、3年間の活動によりパワーアップした歌声をお聴きいただける既存楽曲4曲の再録Ver.(ver. !)と、新曲4曲の合計8曲を収録。現在の「Cmiyc」が詰まっています!

Cmiyc (pronounced che-mi-k) is the new persona of "catch my heart" from "Koutei Camera Girl Drei" (Kouteka 3). After the group disbanded, she changed her artist name from "catch my heart" to "Cmiyc"- reflecting her growth, evolution and new start as an artist.

Making her debut on March 14, 2020 with her first song ""Cmiyc"", she's not let the pandemic dampen her spirit, and has been actively releasing music, performing in online events, and live shows with her captivating performances. In just three years, she's already released seven singles, showcasing her versatility and range as an artist.

But that's not all - she's now dropped her much-awaited album, which is the culmination of the first phase of her musical journey. This album features eight amazing tracks, including re-recorded versions of four of her existing songs (ver.!), and four brand new tracks which collectively capture the essence of everything that makes ""Cmiyc"" who she is today!


1. It’s ME!!!!
2. che! -ver. !-
3. Slap!!
6. Pa Pa Pa Pa -ver. !-
7. 愛を -ver. !-
8. Cmiyc -ver. !-
